Introducing Musozi, our latest Rwandan coffee, sourced from the renowned Rwamatamu washing station. Nestled in the hills of Rwanda, this station is dedicated to meticulous processing, ensuring only the highest quality coffee is produced. Starting with careful sorting, where defects and underripe or overripe cherries are removed before the remaining fruit is pulped in batches. Each batch is processed with precision, with the equipment cleaned between runs to maintain quality and consistency.
Once pulped, the coffee undergoes an 8 to 12-hour fermentation period, enhancing its clarity and complexity. After washing, the beans are carefully dried on raised beds for 17 to 25 days, turned frequently to ensure even drying and sorted by hand to remove any remaining imperfections. Protective coverings shield the coffee from harsh sun, rain, and night-time moisture, preserving its delicate flavours. The result is a beautifully refined cup that showcases Rwanda’s signature brightness and vibrancy, perfect for filter or espresso brewing.